Often, many of you tell me, “If you need anything, just let me know.” I know these words are heartfelt…and you probably know I won’t ask unless it’s a real need. Today, I’m asking three easy favors of you.
First, please share a word of gratitude to our Technical Operations (Tech Ops) staff for their work during this pandemic. Under the direction of Will Dodson, these volunteers have worked sound, camera, radio, internet links, lights and other equipment in multiple contexts (Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Parlor, Fluor Field, the Peace Center, and various other venues) in order to ensure our congregation had access to worship and other programs in the past year. These volunteers are: Rob Bailey, Will Bailey, Stewart Caldwell, Randy Childers, Mike Fuller, John Jones, Jenna Manning, Brown Miller, Peyton Mills, Austin Rabon and Reed Wilson.
Second, gracefully and patiently follow the regathering protocols set by our Reopening Task Force and approved by the church’s Leadership Team. In short, go to the home page of our website and make a reservation for worship attendance. Arrive at the church campus free of any COVID symptoms. Enter the buildings through either the Narthex entrance or the Chapel entrance. (All other entrances will be closed. If you have to park an unwalkable distance from either of these entrances, wait at your car for the golf cart to pick you up.) Upon entering the building, check-in at the registration desk, be seated ‘wherever’ the usher seats you (you probably won’t get your favorite seat), remain masked throughout the service, exit the Sanctuary under the direction of an usher, avoid physical contact with other worshipers, and drive away with a grateful heart. It’s going to be great to be together again.
Finally, catch up on your planned financial support to the church or make an additional gift to the church. During the month of March our gifts were uncommonly low. As we move back into our Sanctuary and ramp up other programming, I encourage you to practice an extraordinary level of generosity.
You’ve said, “If you need anything, let me know.” This morning, these are the things I need. I look forward to seeing you Sunday!