Thank you all for the hospitality and kindness that you have shown me this summer! I have composed for you a short collection of some of my favorite things from the past 10 weeks.

In the middle of June, I attended CBF’s General Assembly. While there, I especially enjoyed the impromptu conversations I had with FBG’s ministers where we reflected on the past and present of the Church and dreamed about the future. The following week, I led the games and devotional time at Worship Arts Camp. I particularly loved the discussion the children and I had about the relationship between prayer and trust in God, following the lesson about Daniel in the Lion’s Den.

Throughout the summer, I had fun planning and leading the combined Sunday School series on God’s LovingKindness! Some of my favorite Sunday School moments included facilitating the panel on LovingKindness in the workplace, writing and ripping with everyone for the early-July art project, and learning from the wisdom of an 11-, 8-, and 6-year-old during the LovingKindness family lesson.

In the two weeks leading up to July 21, I poured over and prayed through the Gospel of Mark in preparation for my sermon. I wrote, re-wrote, edited and re-edited! Thanks to all of the preparation, I felt confident about what had come together. I was both peaceful and excited by Sunday morning, and was so appreciative of all the kind feedback I received after the service! Planning for worship has consistently been something I have looked forward to every week. I will be neither the first nor the last to say this, but First Baptist Greenville is so fortunate to have the thoughtful, creative, passionate ministers that you do! By the end of the summer, I had the pleasure and privilege of sharing meals with 24 different individuals in the congregation. Thank you, truly, to all who took the time to get to know me a little more and share some of your stories with me. This has been an unforgettable and blessed summer.

—Erica Jackson, Summer Duke Divinity Ministerial Intern

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