Join us for a special weekend of Faith Formation and Education on September 14 and 15 led by Meredith Miller.
Meredith Miller is a pastor, parent and writer who helps grownups, and the kids they love, engage with the Bible and faith in ways that are life-giving, fun, and a fit for their real lives. Her 20+ years in family ministry for local churches, curriculum development and faith formation research inform the resources she currently creates, including a book, Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From.
Meredith is Lead Pastor of Pomona Valley Church—a church on Zoom that wants to live the “one anothers” (as in love one another, serve one another, etc.), neighbor well, and do justice. (And eat.) She holds a Master of Divinity from Fuller Seminary, as well as a B.A. in Religious Studies and Spanish Language & Literature from Westmont College.
Meredith will lead a workshop for parents, grandparents and anyone who is interested on Saturday, September 14, 9am-1pm, in our Fellowship Hall. Breakfast, boxed lunch, and childcare will be available for $10/person. This workshop will have ideas for families with children of all ages, birth through seniors in High School, to tackle faith at home based on her research and life’s work.
Registration is required for the Saturday workshop!
On Sunday, September 15, Meredith will be with us throughout the morning beginning with a special Sunday School class beginning at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall for teachers in our Children and Youth Ministries (and anyone else who would like to join). She will conclude her time with us in morning worship at 10:30am as our proclaimer.
—Mary Carol Anderson, Minister to Youth & College, and Bridget Kokolis, Minister to Children