We are preparing for our Palm Sunday and Easter celebrations. To aid in our celebration, we will place palms in the Sanctuary on Palm Sunday and an arrangement of lilies as both honorary and memorial gifts on Easter Sunday. All lily gifts will be published in the newsletter. If you are interested in providing an Easter lily gift, please visit this page and follow the instructions to submit your dedications. You may even pay online! If you would prefer, you may still mail the following information and your payment (checks payable to First Baptist Church) to me at church or drop it off in person. Orders and checks ($30 each) should be received by Wednesday, March 21. If you would like to make a gift toward this arrangement, complete the online form or send the following information to my attention at the church (First Baptist Church, Attn: Kimberly Coates, 847 Cleveland Street, Greenville, SC 29601), along with your contribution of $30 per dedication:
Phone Number:
Email Address (if applicable):
Number of Gifts ($30 each):
In honor of:
In memory of:
Phone Number:
Email Address (if applicable):
Number of Gifts ($30 each):
In honor of:
In memory of:
Please make checks payable to First Baptist Church.
Orders should be received by March 21.