Three new MidWeek Courses begin this week! Enjoy supper and prayer time from 5-6pm in the Fellowship Hall (adult meals are $8, child meals are $5, and visitors are free) before breaking to attend one of three learning/fellowship options. See you on Wednesday! —Camille

MidWeek Classic: Engaging Practical Theology in a New World of Ministry Opportunity
Fellowship Hall
“Don’t plan to skip this series just because it has theology in the title. In this 4-week offering, I will lead our MidWeek Classic community to apply a different approach to how we engage God’s work in the world alongside emerging changes in our society and our life phases. This series will be both informative and collaborative, as we will form our own “FBG Think Tank” to create new and innovative ministry approaches. The more input we have, the better results we will get, so we hope you will make plans to join us in this MidWeek experiment.”

—Michael McEntyre

One Read Book Group
Media Center
“On October 9 and 16, we will discuss our summer one-read, Sacred Self-Care by Chanequa Walker-Barnes, which explores the intersection of faith and wellness, offering a holistic approach to self-care that emphasizes spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. October 23 and 30, we will discuss Seculosity by David Zahl. This book explores how secular pursuits—such as career success, fitness and parenting—often function as modern-day religions, offering deep insights into the ways people seek meaning and fulfillment outside of traditional faith.”

—Carol McEntyre

“If you’ve ever – or never – kept a journal, this class is for you! We’ll explore various forms of self-expression and play with different styles of writing. Come share in fun and fellowship as we get to know ourselves better. All materials are provided! Just bring an open mind and a spirit of adventure. Participation is capped at 20 people”

—Ken Kraft

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