September 19-21, some FBG members joined the Alliance of Baptists Pilgrimage to Montgomery. Below are some pictures from the trip along with memories from some of the participants.
‘’To say my experience in Montgomery was a very moving experience is an understatement. I immediately was struck by the black and white American flag image as we walked in the door bearing the statement, ‘From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration.’ I was completely unprepared for the overwhelming flood of emotions that I felt in the section of the museum that addresses mass incarceration. It has caused me to do a lot of soul searching and to ponder my inadvertent, often unknowing role in systemic racism caused by my career path. I have concluded that my next step is to own my truth.’’ —Flo Mauney
“One of my favorite moments was sharing laughs at a table with a black woman who joined our trip, often resting her head on my shoulder in an endearing way. Bryan Stevenson emphasizes the importance of proximity to those who experience exclusion and suffering. I’m grateful to First Baptist Greenville for this opportunity, and I hope our church continues to acknowledge our full history with the black community, reinforcing our identity as a safe and welcoming place for all of God’s children.” —David Wood
“I was in awe when singing with the group, “I Woke Up This Morning With My Mind Stayed on FREEDOM.” It touched my heart in a very special way!!”—Bobbie Williams
“I am now able to explain information about slavery to young people from a place of forgiveness and reconciliation. And above all, trusting God.”—Nancy Johnson
“The entire session offered more than I could have imagined. Being in a place once known as the “Capital of the Confederacy”, I was most impressed by the courageous conversations and the transparency of all who shared. Thank you FBG, AOB and EJI, for an experience I will always cherish for many reasons.”—Brenda Lane”