Throughout February, our church will collect the following frequently needed items for Jasmine Road:
• USPS forever stamps
• Gift cards—Target, Wal-Mart, QT, Amazon, etc.
• Paper Products—toilet paper, paper towels
• Hygiene Products—shampoo and conditioner (including types specific for Black hair), razors, body wash, face wash, tampons (all sizes), deodorant, etc.
• Cleaning Supplies—laundry detergent (regular and sensitive), Lysol® All Purpose Cleaner, Swiffer® Wet Jet Pads, Swiffer® Wet Jet Wood refills
• Copy/printer paper
Please bring donations to the Reception Area of the church. Thank you for your generous support!
Jasmine Road is South Carolina’s first two-year residential program for adult women survivors of human trafficking, prostitution and addiction. Through community partnerships, they work together to address the healing needs of each woman from an evidence-based holistic perspective. They do this by providing sustainable employment, personal and educational development opportunities, stable housing, and long-term support after graduation. One of their programs is Jasmine Kitchen, a lunch café which provides job training, employment and career building opportunities. For more information about Jasmine Road, please go to to see all the wonderful work that they are doing in our community.
—Nancy Schlepphorst, Missions Committee