Since Ash Wednesday, our Lenten journey has been taking us closer and closer to the cross. We are about to enter Holy Week, the last leg of this journey towards Easter. Starting next Sunday, Palm Sunday, the church will commemorate Jesus’ final week. Here are the ways our church family will gather and remember:
Palm Sunday | April 14
10:30am in the Sanctuary
During worship on Palm Sunday, the church will celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Children will process with palm leaves that will later be burned to create the ashes for next year’s Ash Wednesday service.
Early Easter Service | April 21 8:00am breakfast in the Parlor 8:30am service in the Remembrance Garden Celebrate Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning at the Labyrinth in the Remembrance Garden. Bert Strange will lead the meditation, and the Bell Tower Ringers will provide music.
Stations of the Cross | April 14-18 The Stations of the Cross, located in the Chapel, depict Jesus’ last day of life from his trial to the tomb. During Holy Week, you are invited to prayerfully ‘walk the stations’ in small groups led by a member of the church staff. You may sign up for these prayerful walks online at
Good Friday | April 19 7:30pm at Fernwood Baptist Church 200 Fernwood Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29307 This year we will observe Good Friday at Fernwood in Spartanburg. In this Tenebrae service, the choirs from Fernwood and First Baptist will combine, and Eric Coleman will be the proclaimer.
Maundy Thursday | April 18 7:00pm in the Parlor A service of remembrance of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples and his commandment to love one another. The Sanctuary Choir will sing, and communion will be served.
Easter Service | April 21
10:30am in the Sanctuary
Celebrate Christ’s resurrection, this time with the whole church family. The service will include a brass quintet with timpani and the Sanctuary Choir. Jim Dant will be the proclaimer.
We hope to see you at these services!
— Jennifer and Matt