What is GOAL? GOAL is Greenville Organized for Accountable Leadership, a growing ministry coalition of 29 congregations in Greenville County. Through the power of organized people, we work to solve community problems. The mission of this ministry is to be a grassroots, direct action, multi-issue organization that addresses the problems at the source. This ministry’s work is based on Micah 6:8: “And what does the Lord require of you? To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.”

How does GOAL work? In the fall each congregation has team leaders who hold house meetings to talk about issues that are concerning to them. These issues are brought to the Community Problems Assembly where the congregations vote on which issues to address for the year. This year the issues we chose are housing and transportation. Research committees are forming to work to identify specific, actionable solutions to the chosen problems.

How can I participate in GOAL? There are 2 ways: Research and Networking.

If you choose RESEARCH then you can:
• join either the Transportation or Housing committee
• narrow down the community problem to an achievable solution
• work with the committee and local officials toward the solution

If you choose NETWORKING, then you can:
• host a house meeting
• invite others to attend GOAL’s four annual assemblies
• increase our congregation’s network members

The upcoming assemblies are the Rally on March 13 and the Nehemiah Action on April 10. The Nehemiah Action meeting is where we will ask public officials to implement the solutions on which the research committees have worked.

How can I learn more? If you would be interested in becoming a network member, you can contact me at kathybstewart@gmail.com or Julie Treu at jhtreu@gmail.com or Flo Mauney at fhm1125@gmail.com or Matt Rollins at matt.rollins@firstbaptistgreenville.com. Any of us can answer questions and get you signed up with a team leader to be a part of the FBG GOAL team. You can also visit the GOAL website at GOALjustice.com for more information.

—Kathy Stewart, GOAL Leadership Team

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