Every time a new member joins the church, we name three pillars of community connection: participating in worship as often as possible; investing time, talents and resources to the life of the church; and finding community in a small group. There are dozens of groups in which to connect at FBG, but with so many options, it’s hard to know where to start!
Come and see the diversity of small group options at FBG at the Small Groups Fair on Sunday, August 25! Before and after worship, you are invited to peruse tables staffed by group representatives and full of information about small groups to join. Tables will be set up in the Narthex (outside the Sanctuary) representing groups across church life, from Sunday School classes, Children’s, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, community engagement/missions groups, volunteer teams focused on pastoral care, worship and outreach.
Bonus! Immediately following worship that Sunday, learn about the art and history behind FBG’s Sanctuary by taking a Sanctuary Tour with Pam Shucker.
—Camille Loomis Rehnborg, Minister of Spiritual Formation & Outreach