As we transition from the summer months, I am shifting my focus to an important priority: finding our next Minister of Music and Worship! I’m pleased to share that the Search Committee has been formed and is ready to begin the process. Greg Crowe will represent the Personnel Committee, while the Sanctuary Choir has elected Robert Farrar, Jane Morlan, and Wesley Smith to serve. Additionally, Pam Jones and Beverly Lambert have been selected to represent the congregation at large. Each of them recognizes the vital role Music Ministry plays in our congregational life and has generously committed their time and energy to assist in the search. I am truly grateful for their willingness to serve the church in this important capacity.

We are fortunate to already have valuable information to guide us in the search. The feedback gathered during the congregational listening sessions, held while you were searching for a new Senior Minister, will be helpful. In addition, I hosted a listening session with the Sanctuary Choir on August 25 to gather their input.

We will begin advertising the position in the coming weeks, with the goal of conducting the first round of interviews before Advent. We hope to have our next minister in place sometime in the first quarter of the new year.

We are excited to begin the search and will keep you informed as we move forward. Please keep the committee and the search process in your prayers as we seek the right person to lead our Music and Worship Ministries.


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