What an incredible time of worship the Children’s Sabbath was! As both Senior Minister and a mother, I had the privilege of witnessing the day through dual lenses. The sight of my nine-year-old, Marin, confidently reading scripture and singing in the choir filled me with immense joy. But it wasn’t just her; I was bursting with pride for all the FBG kids! They approached their roles as worship leaders with such earnestness, diligently preparing by writing prayers, crafting art, and rehearsing their music, and then leading us all so beautifully.

One of our most profound callings as a church is to minister to children, teaching them to live in the way of Jesus and love him with their whole hearts. This is why we intentionally involve children in so many aspects of church life. They are not mere distractions in our worship or fellowship; instead, each movement and sound they make serves as a powerful reminder of our responsibility and the precious gift they are to us. Each of us has a role to play in ensuring that we nurture the children in our care well.

At the same time, it’s not just about us ministering to children—they are integral members of the body of Christ, the kin-dom of God, too. In Matthew 18:2-3, Jesus emphasizes the importance of childlike faith, stating that unless we become like children, we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Reflecting on this, Detrich Bonhoeffer beautifully expresses how God is intimately close to children, seeing them with love and belonging. Bonhoeffer notes, “[Jesus] sees the children and wants to belong to them; who would block his bath? God belongs to children, the good news belongs to children, and joy in the kingdom of heaven belongs to children.” Our commitment to ministering to children and embracing their presence and gifts in our church community reflects our dedication to embodying the values of the kin-dom of heaven here and now. If the kin-dom belongs to children, then it follows that First Baptist Greenville does, too.

Sunday, May 19, is Pentecost. It’s a day when we celebrate the birth of the Church and the gift of the Holy Spirit. We invite you to join us in wearing something red for worship, symbolizing the tongues of fire that descended upon the disciples—a powerful reminder of the Holy Spirit’s presence and divine empowerment. Plus, it is fun to see the church adorned in liturgical colors!

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