Every October for the past several years, our church has collected and donated bags of candy for our neighbors in Nicholtown to help them celebrate Halloween with their annual Trunk-or-Treat Festival. We need your help to make sure there is plenty of candy to go around! They plan to pick up the candy by Thursday, October 24, in order to be ready for the event on October 27. Please bring your bags of individually wrapped candies to the church Reception Area or the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall by October 24.
We will also be adding a special cereal collection for Mission Backpack.
Every year, Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC) provides gift bags to adults with chronic mental health conditions who are either homeless or living in supported housing throughout the Upstate. We will be collecting these items throughout the months of October and November. Please bring your donations to the Reception Area of the church or to the hallway outside the Fellowship Hall. If you prefer to order directly from Amazon, please use the QR code, and your order will go directly to MHAGC.
Hand Sanitizer
Lip Balm
Bar Soap
L/XL Sweatshirts
Body & Hand Lotion
Facial Tissue
Adult Coloring Books
—Matt Rollins, Minister of Community Engagement