First Baptist Greenville has a long history of supporting our neighbors in need by collecting canned fruit for the United Ministries Food Pantry. As we have done for the last several years, we will be collecting canned fruit during the month of September as our Missions Focus. Fruit is one of the most requested items from the pantry, and pop-tops and fruit cups are preferred. Please help us stock their pantry by bringing your canned fruit donations to either the Front Desk area or the lobby of the Fellowship Hall throughout the month of September. If you wish to order online and have the fruit shipped directly to United Ministries, please shop using the link to their Amazon Wish List. At the end of the month, our children will gather the cans of fruit and load them onto a pickup truck, so volunteers can deliver them to United Ministries.

Please note that our church collects fruit for United Ministries throughout the year, and volunteers from our church pick up those donations and take them to United Ministries. There are bins in the Front Desk area as well as in the Fellowship Hall Lobby where you can leave your donations. Our thanks go out to Clay Gilbert, who keeps this ministry organized, and our volunteers, who faithfully deliver your donations each month. They are Charles Douglass, Emily Fayssoux, Betty Alice Harper, Susan K. Shelley, Dick Stelling and Jim Stewart.

Thank you for your continued generosity to our community through this important ministry. If you would like to find out more about United Ministries and their work, please visit

—Nancy Schlepphorst, Missions & Affiliations Committee

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