Let’s Take a Hike
Our FBG Engaged Hikers are planning to hike on the second Thursday of each month. Times and locations will vary.
Friday Lunch & More
Friday Lunch & More will return on February 7. These monthly gatherings in the Spring and Fall bring together a wide variety of First Baptist folks and our community friends to share fun and fellowship around the tables as we learn together, get to know one another, and enjoy a delicious meal. All are invited to come early at 10:30am for Book Club in the Media Center or Games and More in the Fellowship Hall. We will all gather in the Fellowship Hall at 11:00am for our welcome and announcements and hear from our guest speaker at 11:15am. Lunch will be served at noon. We hope you will make plans now to join us. Future dates include March 14, April 4, and May 2.
Join our Engaged Aging Ministry for monthly outings and day trips around our community. Our next trip is on January 23 to the Upcountry History Museum with lunch at Hometown. Tickets are also available for our February 23 trip to Pelzer to see the Mill Town Players adaptation of “And Then There Were None.” Cost is $15. Looking ahead, we are also planning a trip to the Columbia Zoo with our Bridge Ministry in March as well as a chance to attend the Living Gallery in April.
There are also countless opportunities to serve each week by joining one of our ministry teams. The Yard Sale will be cranking up soon and is always in need of volunteers. You can also join one of our visitation, transportation, or meal delivery teams, and our Community Engagement Ministry has a variety of ministries with which you can assist.
Blessings on your New Year,
Michael McEntyre, Minister of Engaged Aging