FBG members are requested to submit nominations for the 2024 Deacon Nominating Committee.
Wofford Green will serve as the 2023 Deacon Nominating Committee Chair.
In the fall, Deacon Nominating Committee members will contact deacon nominees equal to the number of vacancies on the Diaconate as to their willingness to serve.
Once the slate of new deacons is complete, it will be submitted to the church for a vote.
Installation and ordination of new deacons will be in early January.
There are three ways to submit recommendations for the eight positions on the Deacon Nominating Committee:
• Make a list of up to eight members and mail it to the church, attention Jenna Manning.
• Click the CONTACT US button at the top of the website homepage, complete the fields and include your recommendations.
• Email your recommendations to Jenna.
The deadline for recommendations to be received is Sunday, April 21, 2023.
Because the persons on the committee are ineligible to serve again for two years, do not nominate any of the following:
Elaine Barnhill
Trevor Barton
Glenda Ehrmann
Emily Fayssoux
Mike Fuller
Ann Golden
Carol Ann Good
Wofford Green
Bob Howard
John Jones
Rob Pyett
Jason Richards
Sharon Russo
Brian Shelley
Ben Snyder