The Deacon Nominating Committee invites all church members to submit names of servant leaders for consideration to serve on the Diaconate. This group of sixteen individuals will begin their three-year term on January 1, 2025. The Deacon Nominating Committee has agreed to consider all nominees based on the Scripture references found in the Rules of Church Order: John 13:1-15 and Romans 12:1-18.

The committee has agreed on the following additional criteria:
• Members with active church participation, dedication, service, and financial support are eligible.
• The committee will work to balance the new slate of deacons to represent the diversity of the congregation.
• Deacon Nominating Committee members and their spouses are not eligible.
• Staff members (full-time or part-time) and their spouses are not eligible.

Please submit nominations to Jenna Manning by Friday, September 13, 2024. Nominations should include a brief statement of each nominee’s qualifications and include your contact information. Nominations can be made by written letter or by email.

Members of the Deacon Nominating Committee include:
Don Carson
Will Dodson
Carmen Feemster
Wofford Green, chair
Shanda LaForge
Beverly Lambert,
Austin Rabon
Todd Ramsey
Sue Ugenti

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