Churchwide Collections

Collection Bins Around Campus

All year round, First Baptist Greenville is collecting items for local organizations. You will find collection bins placed around the campus for gathering donated items for these ministries. Read below for more information about how, where, and what to donate.

Missions Collections

There are bins located around the church for collecting donated item for three main categories:

Canned Fruit for United Ministries

Canned Pasta for Mission Backpack

Monthly Missions Focus

Canned Fruit for United Ministries

Throughout the year, we collect canned fruit for the food pantry run by our local partner, United Ministries. In September of each year, it also the focus of our monthly missions collection. Bins for collecting canned fruit can be found in the following areas:

  • Reception Area
  • Children’s Hall
  • Fellowship Hall Lobby 
  • AYMC Lobby

Pop-Top Cans of Pasta for Mission Backpack

Another ongoing collection is canned pasta for Mission Backpack, which provides weekend food bags for children in Greenville County schools. Please only donate cans with pop tops. Bins for collecting canned pasta can be found in the following areas:

  • Reception Area

Monthly Missions Focus

Each month, the church collects items for specific organization or ministry. It may be Christmas gifts for MinisTREE, candy for Trunk or Treat, or items for mission trips. See below for more details about our current collections. Bins for collecting items for the monthly missions focus can be found in the following areas:

  • Reception Area
  • Children’s Hall
  • Fellowship Hall Lobby

2025 Monthly Missions Collection

January – YouthBASE
February – Jasmine Road
March – Pendleton Place
April – Haiti Church
May – Greenville Church Without Walls
June – Soteria
July – United Way School Tools
August – Isaiah 1:17 House
September – Upstate Circle of Friends
October – Nicholtown Missionary Baptist
November/December – MinisTREE

February Focus: Jasmine Road

Jasmine Road is South Carolina’s first two-year residential program for adult women survivors of human trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. During the month of February, our church will be collecting the following frequently needed items for them:

● USPS forever stamps
● Gift cards—Target, Wal-Mart, QT, Amazon, etc.
● Paper Products—toilet paper, paper towels
● Hygiene Products—shampoo and conditioner (including types
specific for Black hair), razors, body wash, face wash, tampons
(all sizes), deodorant, etc.
● Cleaning Supplies—laundry detergent (regular and sensitive),
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner, Swiffer Wet Jet Pads, Swiffer Wet Jet
Wood refills
● Copy/printer paper

Items may be dropped off in the Reception area, or you may donate directly by going to their wishlist.



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