Our FBG Children’s Ministry theme this year is Co-Creators. We will spend our time together discovering different ways that we are invited into God’s handiwork to create offerings of art, music, kindness, love and spaces where all are welcome! This will be our focus on Wednesday Nights and Children’s Sunday (formerly known as Children’s Sabbath) which is Sunday, February 9.
Speaking of Wednesday Nights, they look pretty different this year. After our kickoff on Wednesday, August 28, we are moving to a block schedule for MidWeek. Each block is four sessions, and we will focus on a new Co-Creator theme. After a four-week session ends, we will pause and take a Wednesday off, then we will begin a new block after the break. We will continue with this schedule until mid-May.
Wednesday Night Schedule
Three and under will continue to have childcare on the nursery hallway.
5:45-7:00pm in B422—They will have free play until 6:10pm and then enjoy their Co-Creator Block until 7:00pm. It is completely ok to drop off later than 5:45pm, whatever works for your family’s schedule. Please note that choir for this group has moved to Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:25am and will continue under Ellen Wilson’s incredible leadership. Register for choir online.
First through Fifth
5:45-6:10pm Choir in Room B423—We encourage all of our children to join choir under Amy Joye’s talented leadership. Our church has a beautiful and long history of teaching the fundamentals and formational value of Children’s Choirs, and we are grateful for Amy’s expertise and depth that she brings to this program. Register for choir online.
5:45-6:10pm Gathering Time in Media Center/Children’s Hallway—This is a time for children who are not involved in choir to begin gathering before transitioning to the Co-Creator Block. It is perfectly ok to drop off at any time during this time frame, but we will be leaving the Media Center at 6:00pm to journey over to the Children’s Hallway. This will not be playtime, but a gathering for conversation and care as parents/guardians get ready for their own classes.
6:15-7:00pm Co-Creator Block in B424
We are so excited to Co-Create with FBG children this year!
—Bridget Kokolis, Minister to Children