Children's Summer Registration

Missions Week One
Kids who’ve just finished either first or second grade are invited to attend Missions Week One: June 13-16, from 9-noon.
Each morning, we’ll visit an organization that does great work in Greenville. Not only will we help them with their work, but we’ll learn Bible verses, have snack together, enjoy related picture books, and spend time reflecting on each day’s opportunity to serve.
Thanks to the Stogner gift, Missions Week is free to our families!
Space is limited. Registration ends May 1.
You can find our schedule HERE.

Missions Week Two
Kids who’ve just finished third, fourth, or fifth grade are invited to attend Missions Week Two: June 20-23, 9 am-3:30 pm.
We’ll spend each morning visiting helping organizations and working alongside them, learning scripture, and reflecting on our opportunities to serve people. Then we’ll eat lunch together and spend each afternoon just enjoying time together. We’ll go bowling, visit the children’s museum, as well as other activities in the works.
Thanks to the Stogner gift, Missions Week is free to our families!
Space is limited. Registration ends May 1.
You can find our schedule HERE.

Camp Prism
Camp Prism is a sleep-away camp for children who’ve finished 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades this July 12-15. FBG kids join with children from eight other CBF churches at Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, North Carolina.
This year’s theme is The Power of Our Beginnings–a study of the Creation stories in the Bible. We always have a GREAT time in our Bible study groups, large group sessions, at the pool, in paddleboats, at the GAGA court, soccer field, at campfires and devotions…and more!
Thanks to the Stogner gift, Camp Prism’s fee is $125.
Registration ends May 1. Space is limited.
See the flyer HERE!