Our Children’s Ministry has had an amazing summer together! From camps to fellowship events, we had lots of time to connect.

During Mission Week we focused on Creation Care and learned so much about how we can join in caring for God’s creation in lots of different ways! Worship Arts Camp is a shared camp between our Music and Children’s Ministries, and we enjoyed learning all about various ways we can lead in worship—through spoken word, art, and music. Camp Prism was a joy this year! It was wonderful to get away to learn and grow together. Our kids are brave and kind, and we sure love spending time with them.

This summer it was fun to add some fellowship events. Popsicles on the Playground for families with K5 and younger was so much fun, and it was good to see so many new faces! We were also so thankful to the McEntyre family for hosting a pool party for our 1st-5th graders and their families.

This Summer was truly a wonderful time, and we are looking forward to another great year in Children’s Ministry with you all!

Grace and Peace,
Bridget Kokolis, Minister to Children, and Caroline Hiatt, Children’s Ministry Assistant

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