This year is the 40th anniversary of the installation of our Casavant Pipe Organ in our Sanctuary. This past February, Charles Tompkins gave a recital to celebrate the anniversary of this beautiful instrument. This instrument, one of the largest in the state, is a treasure for our church and entire community. During these past 40 years, we have had routine maintenance and tunings for the organ but no significant upgrades. I am happy to share with you that we will have a much-needed renovation of the organ console this summer, including new keyboards, pistons and relays, and an upgrade of electrical and wiring elements of the instrument. This will bring the wiring up to code and increase the memory and digital components of the organ.
I am grateful for the extravagant generosity of several people who have provided the funds for this pipe organ renovation. Becky and Bobby Hartness, Sarah Herring, Oz Rogers, Earle Furman Jr., Dr. John A. Taylor and the estate of Margaret Ulmer have all contributed towards this project. We would not be able to properly maintain our Casavant without their gifts and vision.
Parkey Organ Builders, based in Braselton, Georgia, will do the work on our organ here on site. They expect to have the materials they need to begin work by the last week in July. While the work is being done, we will need to do without the organ in our worship services. We estimate the project to be completed by September 30. Fortunately, we have our Steinway concert grand piano, our terrific Sanctuary Choir, Bell Tower Ringers and, hopefully, additional instruments as part of the music for our worship services during this time.
We will continue celebrating the 40th anniversary of the organ in the beginning of October, when the work is completed. I want to especially thank our individual contributors listed above, Charles Tompkins, Baxter Wynn and our entire congregation for your long-standing support of our Music Ministry.
—Vivian Hamilton, Minister of Music and Worship