The time has come for our annual College Care Packages!
Each year, we pack up goodies that the congregation has donated and ship them to students so that they arrive right in the middle of finals. It is a great way for us to continue supporting the undergrad and grad students who have called First Baptist Greenville their church home.
So that we have plenty of time to assemble, pack and ship these care packages, please turn in your donations now! There are collection bins in the Front Office, and the deadline for donations is Sunday, November 17. Please consider donating the following individually wrapped items:
• pens/pencils
• erasers
• easy mac & cheese
• small cans of Pringles®
• ramen noodles
• chewy granola bars
• fruit snacks
• snack-size trail mix and Goldfish® crackers
• individual bags of cookies or crackers
• microwave popcorn • Rice Krispy® treats
• spare Halloween candy (no chocolate, please!)
**We will collect homemade baked goods to add to the packages on December 1.**
Also—if you have a current college or grad student in your family, please encourage them to fill out the college contact update form here:
If we do not have their current school email and address, we unfortunately cannot send them a care package.
—Youth Ministry Staff